Friday, January 2, 2009

Okay, so I am new at the blogging! I have no idea what I am doing. But I will attempt it because I love reading everyones blogs. So hopefully I can keep you updated on our lives! Here are a few pictures of our family from Christmas. Ella Kate's favorite toy was her power wheels truck, oh and the baby doll she is holding as you can see!


  1. Love the new blog!!! Looking forward to keeping your with all your family's adventures.

  2. Hey girl!!! Trust me the longer you do it the easier it gets... and its soo much fun. Also thanks for inviting us last night we had a great time. Hope we can get together again soon!!!

  3. Hey Emily!! I just found your blog through Brandy's. It is a great outlet to share your thoughts and feeling along with day to day activities. Have fun with it. It does get earier the more you work with it.
