Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Meet my new niece
~Karlee Brooke Clark~
2/27/09 ~ 7:55 a.m.
6lbs. ~ 18.5 inches
Here are a few photos of her and below is a link to a photoshow.
"Little Miss Karlee"

Ella Kate loves her new cousin!

~Ella Kate and Karlee~

"Just a swingin"

"Proud New Mommy"
Ella Kate absolutely adores her if you can't tell by the photos!!! I was so afraid she would be jealous because she loves her "Gigi" (aunt angie) but she has done really really well with Karlee. She just walks up to her and kisses her and then goes on about her business!! It is so funny. Anyways, hope you enjoy the pictures and photoshow!
Here is a photoshow link:
Hope you enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. She's so precious. Please tell Angie congrats from us.

    Raegan, Caleb & Isabelle
